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Polish-English Educational Projects

Health education

The aim of this projects is to: raise children’s awareness of the importance of taking care of their own hygiene and dental hygiene, familiarize children with doctors and dentists as well as to teach the rules of safety on the road.


Smart children do not eat junk food

It is the continuation of the "Eat and live healthy" Program. This year it covers the classes connected with healthy eating. What is more, we will learn about ecology and  taking care of the natural environment.


Corners of the world

As a part of this project, children will learn about the culture and traditions of different countries around the world. Every month we celebrate different country, and visit it during Polish and English classes. The aim of this project is to develop child’s curiosity about the world, teach tolerance and respect towards people living all around the world.


Then and Now

The basic aim of this project is to show children the way in which their grandparents and great-grandparents lived in the past and to compare it with the way we live today. Every month we focus on a different aspect of living. All the aspects will be reflected in our preschool monthly schedule and monthly plans of individual groups.


Safe Preschooler

The aim of this project is to encourage children to take care of their own safety in the preschool, on the road and at home. As a part of this project, children meet with police officers and fire fighters.

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