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Our Preschool Programme in both, Polish and English education is organized in agreement with the Ordinance of the Ministry of Education from  the14th of  February, 2017, regarding preschool education and national curriculum for general education at Primary School, including students with severe and moderate intellectual disability, general education at 1st stage of Professional School, general education at Special Needs School preparing for work and general education at Post-secondary school (Dz.U. z 2017 r. poz. 356).


The basis rule of the education in our Preschool is diverse teaching. Thanks to the use of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner we change the way we look at child’s intellectual abilities and create the new quality of education.


Multiple intelligent  education for a child- original method of work


Multiple intelligent education for a child is an original approach of working with a child at preschool and early education level designed by PhD.  Aldona Kopin and mgr Monika Zatorska. The method was created in response to the need of change in early childhood education.


The approach is based on 5 basic principles:

  • Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences,

  • Widely understood diagnosis and recognition of child’s abilities,

  • Individualization of educational activities,

  • Creating inspiring educational environment- Lands of Play, in which children discover the world and start to understand their own process of learning,

  • Dialogue of all subjects involved in educational process, including the dialogue with a child.


We hope that this approach will be close to all the teachers, who can enrich it for the sake of the child. We observe that our daily work, based on this approach has amazing effects, evokes positive changes, supports development, provides a lot of satisfaction and is a source of motivation.  It helps to rekindle creativity and to move beyond imposed solutions.


The diagnosis of the intelligence profile is conducted by our teachers at every educational level. It helps our teachers to organize the process of education.


Based on the observation we determine the intelligence profile and create the description, taking into consideration following aspects:

  • Strengths and weaknesses

  • Child’s interests and the ways of expressing them

  • Recommendations concerning the development of child’s abilities and the use of strengths in order to support weaknesses

  • Recommendations for the methods of language education, which are based on dominant intelligences.


Below, we present short descriptions of intelligences described by Howard Gardner. We also provide the examples of classes which develop particular intelligences:


Linguistic – the interest in words and speaking. The world is understood by words. (English classes, Letterland, Games)


Logical - Mathematical – interest in numbers, symbols and mathematical processes. The world is understood by the numbers and causal system. (Math, Young Scientist)


Bodily - kinesthetic – ability to use the body effectively. World is understood by physical contact and movement. (Gymnastics, Drama, Weronika Sherborne)


Visual - Spatial – the ability to create mental images and spatial relationships. The world is understood by images and spatial forms. (Arts/Cooking)


Musical – sensitivity to music and sounds. The world is understood by sounds, rhythm and melody. (Music In English, Rainbow Music Box, English classes)


Naturalistic – sensitivity and ability to notice patterns in nature, recognize and categorize objects. The world is understood by natural environment . (Young Scientist)


Interpersonal – the ability to understand, interact and communicate with other people. The world is understood in the context of other people. (Games, English classes, Drama)


Intrapersonal – characterized by self-awareness, the ability to reflect on actions, motivations and emotions. The world is understood in the context of ourselves. (Drama, Weronika Sherborne)

Apart from the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, in Polish and English education we use the following methods of work:


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